// The symposium for a climate-social city

Linz 2024

Friday, 29 November 2024, 2 to 7 p.m., Wissensturm Linz

What are cities like Linz doing for the climate transition?
What opportunities does current European policy offer for this?
And what do successful implementations look like in practice?

Find out more about these questions at our symposium. In presentations and workshops, you will hear about ideas on how cities are defining and pursuing their climate goals. You will learn about examples of best practice and discuss how climate protection is implemented in everyday life. You will network
with experts and committed individuals. Take away tangible ideas for the future of urban climate protection!

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Make climate your topic!

Europe and its
cities: together for
climate protection

Programme on Friday, 29 November in the Wissensturm Linz

13:30 Get Together

14:00 Start & Welcome

14:15 Keynote speeches

  • Forwards and/or backwards - what opportunities does European climate policy offer
    cities like Linz? Johanna Roniger (KONTEXT - Institute for Climate Issues)
  • A beacon of hope for climate protection - must and can cities
    live up to this reputation? Oliver Schrot (zwanzigvierzig - Consultancy on climate neutrality
    and climate policy)
  • The Green Deal as an opportunity: Municipal responses to Europe's climate targets
    Kristina Eisfeld (Energy Poverty Advisory Hub of the European Commission)


16:40 Practical workshops

  • The Green Deal as an opportunity: Municipal responses to Europe's climate targets
    Kristina Eisfeld & Elke Kastner (Climate Alliance)
  • Climate Journalism Network. How do we tell effective stories about
    climate protection that bring abstract political processes into everyday life?
    Katharina Kropshofer (Climate Journalism Network, Falter Nature section)
  • City.climate.design - best practice from European cities
    Guido Dernbauer (Austrian Association of Cities and Towns)
  • Climate justice - a question of gender? Julia Weber (Südwind Upper Austria)

18:10 Summarising the results, joint discussion

19:00 Closing with food and drink in the KlimaEck of the Linz City Library

Supporting programme
Travelling exhibition of the APCC Special Report: Structures for a climate-friendly life


The event is a co-operation of VHS Linz with the Department of Economy, Innovation,
Climate Protection and EU - Linz City Government Office