// every last thursday of the month, 6 p.m.

Parents Evening 
via Live-Stream 

The new series "Digital Parents Evening" is intended to introduce parents, educators and all interested paries to topics related to digitalistation, digital literacy and the use of media.

If you are interested in the digital parents' evening, please register by sending an e-mail to innovation@mag.linz.at - we will then send you all the information. Note: The meetings will be recorded and made available at a later date.

The Digital Parents Evening is now on summer break and will be back in fall with more dates!

Digitaler Elternabend Innovationshauptplatz 2023 quadr

The digital parents evening is now on summer break!

More dates will follow in fall, stay tuned!


Those were the topics of the Digital Parents Evenings:


Das Thema des 10. Abends am Donnerstag, 04.07.2024 war:

Digitale Schulbücher - Wohin geht der Weg?

Die Digitalisierung hat bereits vor vielen Jahren im Klassenzimmer Einzug gefeiert. Doch was genau bedeutet das? Wie sieht Digitalisierung bei Schulbüchern aus?

Wir werden einen kleinen Einblick geben, welche digitalen Materialien Schüler:innen bereits heute zur Verfügung stehen. Doch Digitalisierung ist nicht starr, sondern ständig im Wandel. Darum beschäftigen wir als Bildungsverlag uns natürlich ganz intensiv mit der Frage:  Wie wird das Schulbuch von morgen aussehen?

Wir geben Einblick in ein erst kürzlich gestartetes Pilot-Projekt zum Unterrichtsfach „Digitale Grundbildung“ und erzählen von den Höhen und Tiefen, die eine solche Neuentwicklung mit sich bringt.


Stefanie Ertl – Produktmanagerin, Julia Brandner – Product Owner
Die Vortragenden sind beim VERITAS Bildungsverlag für die Betreuung und Weiterentwicklung der Lernplattformen zuständig. Sie beschäftigen sich mit der Entwicklung digitaler Produkte, um Lehrer:innen, Schüler:innen und Eltern bestmöglich beim Erreichen des Lernerfolges zu unterstützen.

Bild: stock.adobe.com/highwaystarz

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Das Thema des 9. Abends am Donnerstag, 23.05.2024 war:

cyberchecker: Wegbegleiter durch die Welt von TikTok und Co.

Kinder und Jugendliche und ihre aktuellen Trends auf Social Media gepaart mit einfachen Tipps zum Umgang mit diesen - für Lehrkräfte und Eltern

Trotz des Unterrichtsfaches ,,Digitale Grundbildung" und der verstärkten Präsenz von Medienbildung an Schulen, ist die Begleitung von Kindern und Jugendlichen durch die bunte Welt von Social Media enorm schwierig. Die Trends sind unüberschaubar und Social Media mit all den Plattformen hat einen großen Einfluss auf die Meinungsbildung von jungen Menschen. Politische Inhalte, einseitige Inhalte durch den Algorithmus, Gewaltcontent und vieles mehr - und mitten drin Kinder und Jugendliche, die ungefilterten Zugang zu all diesen Inhalten haben.

- Wie können wir als Erwachsene, Erziehungsberechtigte oder Lehrkräfte niederschwellig und ohne erhobenen Zeigefinger mit den Inhalten auf Social Media umgehen?

- Wie kann Social Media sogar zu einem Lerntool zuhause oder in der Schule werden?

Vortragende: Alexandra Vrhovac, Gründerin von www.cyberchecker.at und Mittelschullehrerin in Meidling in Wien.
Mit einer langjährigen Arbeitserfahrung in der Sozialarbeit, als Mittelschullehrerin in Wien und Vortragende an der Pädagogischen Hochschule im Bereich der Migrationspädagogik entschloss sie sich vor über 1,5 Jahren, gemeinsam mit ihrer Teampartnerin Sandrine Baumgartner, die als Marketingexpertin und Digital Creator tätig ist, den Verein cyberchecker zu gründen. Der Einfluss von Social Media auf die Meinungsbildung und psychische Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen und die daraus resultierende Hilflosigkeit von Erwachsenen veranlasst Sandrine und Alexandra dazu, dieses Herzensprojekt bis heute umzusetzen.

Ihre Motivation, die Initiative ins Leben zu rufen, war die Notwendigkeit, Kinder und Jugendliche dabei zu unterstützen, sich sicher und verantwortungsbewusst in der digitalen Welt zu bewegen - mit Unterstützung von starken und informierten Erwachsenen! Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam cyberchecker werden

Bild: cyberchecker.at

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The topic of the 8. evening on Thursday, 25.04.2024 is:

Learning success with technology

Practical tips for using learning tools

Digitalization has a huge impact on the education sector and the way we learn. Learning tools play a crucial role in this by enabling learners to learn in a more flexible and individualized way. Through the use of digital tools, learning content can be made more interactive, personalized and better customized to the needs of learners. Together, we will dive into the world of digital learning tools and take a look at the platforms, apps and programs that are available to help children and young people achieve their learning goals more efficiently.

Speaker: Fatlinda Ibraimi - Trainer and Coach with Teach For Austria. After 4 years of teaching experience in the out-of-school education sector, she is now responsible for implementing the Teach For Austria training program in Upper Austria and supports teachers in the form of coaching and workshops on classroom management, teaching methods and techniques and intersectional educational work. Teach For Austria is committed to educational fairness to support every child in developing their full potential. This also includes the promotion of future skills, including digital skills.

Picture: pexels.com

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The topic of the 7. evening on Thursday, 28.03.2024 was:

Esports & Gaming: More than just a game

Educational Potentials in virtual worlds

The gaming and esports industry is no longer just a lonely niche subculture. Millions of fans tune in weekly to watch their favorite teams play on streaming platforms like Twitch and YouTube. Billions of children and adolescents worldwide regularly sit in front of computers, consoles, and other devices to play video games. But what opportunities do these video games hold for parents, teachers, and children?

In this lecture, we take a look at virtual gaming worlds and discuss how games like Fortnite and Minecraft can be used as educational tools. Using best-case examples, we illustrate how Minecraft Education has already been successfully integrated into classrooms and the benefits it offers to students.

Furthermore, we shed light on the various jobs and occupations in esports and gaming, and finally, we provide concrete tips on how to support children and adolescents' passion for gaming.

Speaker: Theresa Schaffer works as an Esports & Gaming Consultant at MYI Entertainment in Switzerland. She is one of the few esports and gaming professionals in Austria. As a passionate gamer herself, she develops concepts for companies such as Swisscom, Ovomaltine, Opel, and many more. Personally, she is strongly committed to the topic of "Women in Gaming" in her own project at MYI, as well as a co-author for Esportpedia Volume 7.

Picture: pexels.com

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The topic of the 6. evening on Thursday, 29. February 2024 was:

Entrepreneurship Education

How can children and adolescents learn to shape the future?

To address challenges such as digitization, strengthening democracy, or climate change, confident and informed citizens are needed to advocate for a better future. People who implement ideas and shape their own lives and society with confidence. But how can we prepare children and adolescents for a world full of challenges? What do we need to provide them with so they can lead self-determined lives?

Entrepreneurship Education represents the junior program for the future shapers. The lecture will provide possible answers to these questions and examine the topic of Entrepreneurship Education from primary to secondary level II. In addition to an introduction and an overview of the current situation in Austria, the focus will be on concrete offerings (such as the Youth Entrepreneurship Week) and opportunities to get actively involved.

Speaker: Valentin Mayerhofer Valentin has experienced firsthand during his school years the life perspectives made possible through Entrepreneurship Education. After studying Entrepreneurship at the University of Liechtenstein, he has been the managing director and board member of the non-profit educational association IFTE #Entrepreneurship4Youth since 2018. In addition to coordinating numerous association activities, he is involved as a project manager in the successful implementation of initiatives such as Start Your Project, the Young Entrepreneurs Program, or the Youth Entrepreneurship Week.

Picture: IFTE.at

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The topic of the 5. evening on Thursday, 25 January 2024 was:

Attention please!

Behind the likes - insights into the world of social media. . 

Attention - how can we so easily waste something that is so hard to get? The Digital Parents' Evening will explore the question of how the social media services that capture our attention every day actually work. What technologies and tricks are behind these applications? And last but not least, what sophisticated business models are causing us to lose ourselves in the digital worlds? The aim of the lecture is to give you a deeper understanding of the complex mechanisms of the social media world. We will take a critical look at the challenges, but also the opportunities that this digital landscape brings for parents, young people and society as a whole.

Speaker: Johannes Knierzinger - After more than 15 years in the media industry, he switched to the education sector and founded t Medien.Start, a project that connects schools and media. His speciality is research into the functionality of media, the business models that drive them and the increasingly important research into decision-making using algorithms. After working for national and international media companies, he now works as a teacher for basic digital education and for the Upper Austrian Education Directorate and the European Commission.

Picture: Oladimeji Ajegbile, pexels.com

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Topic of the 4. evening on Thursday, 30. November 2023 was:

Online Career Guidance
in the world of adolescents

At the end of compulsory education, adolescents are confronted with a multitude of options for their further educational path and often feel left on their own when making this decision.Since they now spend a significant portion of their free time in the digital world, it is important to support them there with an easily accessible educational and career counseling offering. Michael Kass-Buchberger, a secondary school teacher in Linz and the founder of PATHfindr (a social startup offering guidance), shares how educators, parents, and young people can utilize the digitization of career guidance as an opportunity.

Speaker on Thursday, 30. November 2023: Michael Kass-Buchberger, Founder & CEO of PATHfindr GmbH

Picture: PATHfindr GmbH

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Topic of the 3. evening on Thursday, 19. October 2023 was:

Data protection
How private is the internet?
Data protection 101 for parents and their children

On the internet, children and young people quickly come across technologies (and business models) that are designed to collect and store information about them.
business models) that are designed to collect, store and exploit information about them. But how can they judge whether everything is above board or whether they are taking a risk by revealing something about themselves?
This is where data protection helps, because it gives those whose information is digitally processed various rights.
These rights make it possible to influence what happens what happens to their own information.

In order for children and adolescents to use the internet responsibly and autonomously, it is important that they also know and can exercise their (data protection) rights. We will discuss what parents should know about data protection to support their children in this regard during the digital parents' evening.

Speaker on Thursday, October 19, 2023: Raphael Albert, Data Protection Consultant and Certified Data Protection Officer.

Picture: Amina Filikins, pexels.com

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The topic of the 2. evening on FRIDAY, 13. OCTOBER 2023 at 6 PM was: 

Offline or Online?
Bullying = Bullying!

Alía was removed from the class chat group and is being ignored, Rene's nude pictures are being forwarded and of Alex are being spreaded.

Is all of this already bullying? 

During the digital parents' evening, we will explore the question of what (online) bullying actually is and what impact it can have. Because only when we understand what bullying is can we take action against it.

Speaker: Katharina Maierl, MA - Bullying and Violence Prevention Trainer at KiJA Upper Austria and Safer Internet Trainer.

Picture: RDNE, pexels.com


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Topic of the 1. evening on Thursday, 22. June 2023 was:

Who owns the truth?
Artificial Intelligence in the school environment

Tools such as Chat GPT can generate human-like responses to text-based queries, causing a sense of wonder, excitement and fear among many users.

It is clear that the free availability of artificial intelligence can fundamentally change the daily lives of teachers and students

However, AI-enhanced learning and teaching also has risks. Artificial intelligence can be used for cheating or plagiarism, and chatbots occasionally provide false or misleading information.

What could be a suitable framework for integrating them into the classroom as a platform with added value?

The speakers on Thursday, 22. June 2023 were Christoph Kremer and Thomas Viehböck from the ARS Electronica Center Linz (Future Thinking School).

Picture: Pavel Danilyuk, pexels.com

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