// STEM region Linz under construction

in technology & co

In the greater Linz area, the innovation hub of the city of Linz, CODERS.BAY, Johannes Kepler University, she:works and Infineon Linz are working together with over 20 other committed institutions and companies on the next STEM region call.

We look forward to hearing from other companies, educational institutions, organizations or public bodies from Linz and the surrounding area who would like to get involved with their existing STEM initiatives.

We will work out the details of the design of the MINT region Greater Linz together in a workshop on April 3, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Grand Garage - if you are interested in active participation, please contact us at innovation@mag.linz.at

MINT Region Linz VR

From Steel City to STEAM City

The acronym STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics. The interdisciplinary approach promotes critical, solution-oriented and creative thinking in order to awaken and maintain interest in technology and the like along the entire educational chain - from elementary education to lifelong learning.

Our STEM focus areas

How STEM wins

On behalf of the MINTality Foundation, the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Faculty Hagenberg conducted a study among 14- and 18-year-old Austrian schoolgirls in May 2023 on the topic of "Associations, success factors and obstacles of Austrian schoolgirls with regard to training in the STEM fields.

The authors Dr. Martina Gaisch; Victoria Rammer MMA; Stefanie Sterrer BA and Dr. Christiane Takacs list four possible courses of action to strengthen STEM. These include

  • Practical application of STEM: explicit encouragement, praise and recognition
  • Make STEM better known: highlight broad and exciting content, increase the visibility of tangible female role models
  • Encourage interest in STEM: make positive contacts and experiences possible as early as possible and keep at it
  • Promote STEM diversity: Gender training and anti-bias training, correct framing of job profiles
  • Build STEM skills: Spread knowledge about service offerings, accessibility and bundling of all STEM offerings

Further recommendations can be found in the final report of the study (in German).

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Events of the MINT-Region


Events = Events and competitions // Family = Suitable for children and adolescents //
Info = Talks and meetups // Zertifikat = Courses, trainings, and award ceremonies

marked turquoise = Coding Weeks Events focused on programming

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