in Linz.

The municipal climate fund provides financial support for innovative climate projects. The goal of these projects is to implement the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, or SDG's.  

The submitted climate fund projects should contribute to the following aspects of sustainability: 

  • Climate protection 
  • Climate change adaption 
  • Raising Awareness 

Tip on the desktop: Just move your mouse over the images!
In mobile view: Click once on the picture to see the fulfilled SDG's! 


Final Report Urban Ecological
Implementation Program 2021-2022

for the Integration of Climate Adaptation, Biodiversity Promotion, and Quality of Life
in the Development of the State Capital Linz

Climate fund projects in the city of Linz


First sub-project of the Linz tree planting offensive on the following three streets: Leonfeldner Straße, Schubertstrasse and Kroatengasse 

Mag. Martin Krammer and Dipl.-HLFL-Ing. Werner Münzker (Municipality of Linz, Department of Urban Greenery and Street Care)

The tree planting offensive is a central component of the 1st Linz Climate Strategy. The innovative sponge city principle is to be applied to a total of eleven streets and infrastructure facilities. Underneath the paved surface, the individual trees are given more space for root growth and storage of precipitation water in interconnected gravel bodies. During longer periods of drought, this not only improves the cooling capacity through evaporation. The shade cast by the formation of a spreading crown also increases the quality of stay in the streets for the residents. In the first subproject, a preliminary design for Leonfeldner Strasse was prepared by a landscape architecture firm. The Kroatengasse is at an advanced stage of design planning and is in the detailed planning phase. In Schubertstrasse, tree planting due to adjustments to the sidewalk and bike path would mean a more complete reconstruction of the streetscape. As a replacement for Schubertstraße, the Linz City Senate decided on Pfarrplatz.

Award of contract to: 
3:0 Landschaftsarchitektur Gachowetz Luger Zimmermann OG Engineering Office for Landscape Architecture 

Further information can be found in the media service of the city of Linz as well as on the website of architecture 

11 und 13


Analysis of wind data, the meteorological measuring station Linz City and their applicability for the Linz urban climate 

Mag. Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Gepp and Maria Feichtinger, MSc (Weatherpark GmbH Meteorological Research and Services)

The Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) has been collecting meteorological data at the Linz City station since 1992 in accordance with the guidelines of the World Meteorological Organization. The evaluation of the long-term wind climatology reveals conspicuous features with regard to an atypical distribution and significantly lower mean and maximum wind speeds. In the course of the project, the causes of the unusual values of the station Linz-City of the ZAMG are to be found. After first clarifications with the station operator ZAMG, a simulation of the wind field is to be carried out in order to find indications of the influencing factors and a suitable installation site for a comparison measuring station. At the same time, a station for measuring wind direction and speed over a period of 24 months will be set up at a nearby location and subsequently compared with the data from the Linz City station. Through this process, reasons for the unrepresentative evaluation of the Linz City station will be determined. Finally, measures will be developed to improve the validity of the measurements of the station Linz-City and to make them usable. Another goal is to raise awareness in the sense of informative signs, real-time displays of the measured values or even workshops for school classes or interested parties.




On the way to climate neutrality - updating the energy flow diagram of the city of Linz 

Judith Radhuber (Department of Urban Climatology and Environment, PTU)

In this city-owned project, the data of the energy efficiency program from 2011 is to be updated by means of an external assignment by a suitable company. This is necessary in order to be able to reliably identify the greatest levers for climate protection in the city's sphere of influence. Contents of the survey are the total energy consumption, the energy sources (such as natural gas, heating oil, coal, coke, renewable energy sources) as well as their purchase and use and the determination of a greenhouse gas reduction path. Following the data preparation and visualization as well as the presentation of the final report, the contents are to be made accessible to the public using various methods (press conference, social media contributions, lectures, etc.).

Cooperation with: State of Upper Austria and various departments of the Municipality of Linz 


// AUTUMN 2021 TO JUNE 2022

Trees for the future for old and young in the senior centers of the city of Linz  

Wolfgang Haudum 

Seniorenzentren Linz GmbH would like to improve the quality of living, working and staying for residents, employees, especially in the nursing and kitchen departments, as well as visitors by means of targeted greening measures. Trees and large shrubs are to be planted at the ten locations in order, on the one hand, to provide a better climate and pleasant recreational opportunities for the people of Linz and, on the other hand, to protect the facilities to some extent from heavy weather events. The additional greenery improves the quality of life, especially for the residents of the senior centers, not only by providing shade and cooling through evaporation, but also by including them in activities and celebrations throughout the year. An important step towards raising awareness is also the involvement of the apprentices of the city nursery to provide them with important insights into the preservation of plants and their use with regard to the climate.

Cooperation with:  
Municipality of Linz, Department of Urban Greenery and Street Care

Further information can be found on the website of the city of Linz 

348111315 v2


Greening of the Linz Main Square 

Ing. Günter Haderer (Municipality of Linz, Department of Gardening and Nursery)

Manmade climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of heatwaves in Linz. Inner city areas such as Linz's Hauptplatz are particularly affected by overheating due to dense development, a high degree of sealing and little vegetation in the open spaces. To improve the quality of stay at Linz's Hauptplatz, 30 winter lime trees were therefore planted in wooden troughs. In two to three years after planting, the littleleaf lime will grow and reach a crown diameter of up to 5 meters. The trees are also to be the starting point for further greening activities in the city of Linz. On September 17, 2020, the new trees were officially welcomed during a public event with several pop-up concerts and dance acts.

Award of contract to: 
Kriegergut Garten- und Landschaftsdesign GmbH 

Further information can be found on the media service of the city of Linz 

11 und 13

// MARCH 2021 TO MAY 2022

Greening measures Goetheschule  

Mag.arch Sandra Resch (Immobilien Linz GmbH & Co KG) 

In the course of the project, building facades and the gym flat roof of the Goetheschule are to be greened. In addition, a redesign of the inner courtyard is part of the project plan. Ground plantings will also be implemented. The greening measures can counteract excessive summer overheating in the city and thus improve the microclimate. Subsequently, the planned plantings will contribute to a higher quality of stay and pollutant or fine dust pollution will also be counteracted. The pilot project is specifically intended to show the extent to which further properties owned by Immobilien Linz GmbH & Co KG can be greened in order to make them more attractive. To this end, the longer-term practicality of greening measures (e.g. maintenance requirements) will be investigated and, if necessary, differences between individual greening measures will be documented.

Cooperation with: 
Department of Urban Greening and Street Maintenance 
Department of Urban Climatology and Environment, Division of Planning, Technology and Environment
Climate department, business unit office of city government 

Further Information can be found in the media service of the city of Linz  

11 und 13

// MARCH 2021 TO DECEMBER 2021

Comparative study of the population of diurnal butterflies in the area of the flood protection dams on the Traun and Danube rivers in the Linz city area in 1993 versus 2021 and expected changes in the course of climate change 

Mag.a Gudrun Fuß (Municipality of Linz, Botanical Garden and Natural History Station)

Flood dams are among the richest butterfly habitats. Their often dry and nutrient-poor meadows are suitable to host semi-arid and dry grassland species in addition to meadow butterflies due to flower supply, plant diversity and topoclimate. There are many indicator species among diurnal butterflies. Their presence or absence provides information about the condition and value of existing habitats and can provide clues to changes in species diversity as a result of man-made climate change. The aim of the project is, on the one hand, to obtain up-to-date data on the butterfly species present at the flood protection dams, which, on the other hand, will allow for comparisons with the old data that are as accurate as possible. Based on this investigation, a catalog of measures for the management and maintenance of the areas will be developed. With the implementation of these measures, an improvement for the butterfly fauna should be achieved.

Cooperation with: 
Dr. Mag. Erwin Hauser (TB for Biology) 

Further Information can be found on the website of the city of Linz 


// DECEMBER 2020 TO JUNE 2021

"Closing the climate-action gap" - I didn't know that at all 

Christian Neuwirth and Markus Kaiser-Mühlecker (ARGE Klimafilm) 

A series of entertaining short films is intended to create awareness and courage for climate-friendly living in Linz and elsewhere. In addition, the aim is to show as broad an audience as possible the effects that everyday behavior has on the climate in order to stimulate motivation for behavioral change in the direction of climate protection. The serial format will feature repetitive elements such as street surveys, fact boxes, and case studies/best practice examples. The total of five encouragement films cover the following topics:

  • Mobility (car-free living, electromobility, public transport, co-working, avoiding short-haul flights)
  • Housing, construction and energy (switching to renewable electricity and renovation)
  • Nutrition (change of diet, especially vegan diet)
  • Consumption (pets, sharing economy, buy less and use it longer, repair café, upcycling, fast fashion vs. slow fashion)
  • Climate projects/cooperatives and engagement (Fridays 4 Future, Transformation).

The so-called courage films were released in the summer of 2021 and distributed digitally via the social media channels of the city of Linz.

Cooperation with: 
City of Linz
State of Upper Austria 
Fridays 4 Future Linz
and many more

Further information can be found on the website of the city of Linz


// SEPTEMBER 2020 TO JUNE 2021

Crossing Europe goes Green -  in the framework of Crossng Europe Filmfestival Linz 2021

Mag. Gerald Harringer and Mag.a Sabine Gebetsroither (Crossing Europe Filmfestival gem. GmbH)

CROSSING EUROPE Filmfestival Linz wants to fulfill not only its cultural mission but also its social responsibility towards people and the environment. Against this background, the project "Crossing Europe Goes Green" focuses on sustainable and climate-friendly festival work. Environmental and sustainability aspects, such as climate-friendly travel to and from the festival as well as nutrition or the conservation of resources by recycling and upcycling festival materials, were included in the festival organization. These many environmental and sustainability aspects have also been included in the briefing of the Crossing Europe festival team. After the festival, it will be analyzed which results have been achieved with the measures and how they have been implemented. In the long term, all essential organizational processes should thus be continuously optimized in terms of their climate and resource compatibility - also in cooperation with other film festivals in Austria and the partner festivals in the European festival network MIOB (Moving Images Open Borders).

Cooperation with:  
various mobility partners (ÖBB, LINZ AG/TIM, Höglinger-Denzel, Lastenrad der Stadt Linz, u.a.)

various catering partners (Ahoi Street Food, Bar-Café SOLARIS, Café Bar Stern, Gelbes Krokodil, k.u.k. Hofbäckerei, MAKAvA delighted ice tea, Vöslauer, Wanderkoch)

various partners in connection with resource conservation (ARGE Trödlerladen, Print & Service, EUROPACK, Fatima Änderungsschneiderei und Nähküche, Dr. Hauschka, Papplab)

Further information can be found in the festival magazine 



Think globally, act locally - "Climate education offensive in the Municipality of Linz" 

Florentina Girlinger-Feger (Personnel and Central Services, Municipality of Linz) 

The project aims to raise the awareness of employees at the Municipality of Linz on the topics of climate protection and sustainability in connection with health. Together with the company Glacier, a platform will be set up to provide information in an online learning format for interested employees. Subsequently, employees will have the opportunity to attend lectures and workshops held by internal experts from various departments and external experts. The goal is to make climate protection a tangible experience and to make the importance of the topic perceptible. At the same time, tools are provided to enable participants to make their own contribution on a daily basis.

Cooperation with: 
Various departments of the Municipality of Linz  
Dr. Klaus Renoldner (Physician and sustainability researcher) 
Mag.a Iris Huber (Nutritionist) 
Glacier Climate Academy 



Extension Stadtoase 2.0 

Ana Zuljevic (Department for Economy, Climate Protection, Innovation and EU, Office of the City Government) 

The Stadtoase on Hauptplatz, as a green space with seating and trees in troughs for shade, has been in existence since 2020. Demand and use is increasing with each passing year, especially since it is currently the only attractive place to stay on Linz's Hauptplatz without the need to consume. Against this background and in view of the recently published climate change adaptation concept, there is a need for further urban oases in the inner-city area. The Innovation Main Square Linz is therefore able to establish two additional locations for a green oasis with the project plan. When selecting the areas, particular attention will be paid to those where unsealing is not possible due to the prevailing conditions. An accompanying communication concept is also planned, which will draw attention to the opportunity to linger, but also to actively participate in the design and play of the urban oases. The goal of the project is to counteract the heat islands in the city of Linz and, in the process, to increase the quality of life for Linzers by expanding the city oases and offering them additional places to relax and cool off.

Cooperation with: 
mmcite company
various departments of the Municipality of Linz 

Further information can be found on the website of Innovationshauptplatz


// MARCH 2022 TO DECEMBER 2023

Effects of climate warming on the bat fauna of the city of Linz with regard to changes in species inventory, relevant abundances and their ecosystem services

Isabel Schmotzer and Guido Reiter (Coordination Office for Bat Conservation and Research in Austria) 

In this project the current bat fauna in the urban area of Linz will be surveyed and compared with earlier data from 1987 and 2002 also regarding species composition. For the survey, on the one hand, net catches will be carried out, whereby the animals will be released immediately on site after collecting their droppings. The fecal analysis will provide evidence of insects spreading in the course of climate warming, which may act as vectors for pathogens. In addition, excursion observations will be made in the evening at dusk and swarming observations at dawn. Together with interested citizens, acoustic monitoring with recording devices will be carried out in order to draw conclusions about the species and way of life based on the bat calls. Finally, an information letter for housing developers and authorities on bat protection will be written.

Cooperation with:  
Mag.a Gudrun Fuß (Natural History Station of the City of Linz) 
Dr. Edwin Kniha MSc (Institute for Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine of the Medical University of Vienna) 

Further information can be found on the homepage of the KFFÖ 


// 2021 TO 2022

"Against heat-islands in the city" 
Greening and improving the open space quality infront of the Nordico Stadtmuseum

Dr. Gernot Barounig (Museums of the City Linz GmbH) 

The Nordico Stadtmuseum in Linz is also affected by the man-made climate crisis. The resulting overheating of the museum and the forecourt can be mitigated by greening measures. This also helps to make the garden of the restaurant located there more attractive. Specifically, six amber trees, a leather pod tree and 14 umbrella plantains were added to the existing tree population. The planting provides additional shade and increases the biodiversity on site. In addition, the paving was broken up in places and transformed into planting beds approximately 50 centimetres deep. All the greening projects were the subject of a separate exhibition in the museum's 2022 programme.

Cooperation with: 
various departments of the Municipality and companies of the city Linz 

Further information can be found on the homepage of the Nordico Stadtmuseum 

11 und 13

// JUNE 2023 TO JULY 2027 


Gaby Mayrhofer (May-IT GmbH) 

Forest owners have suffered massive losses in tree cover in recent years due to bark beetle infestation, wind and snow pressure. At the same time, forests serve as important carbon sinks and contribute to a pleasant microclimate. The project will target forest islands in need of reforestation. Together with elementary schools and with the support of experienced forest workers and forest educators, these areas are planted with trees. Over the next four years, these forest islands will be looked after by children who will always be accompanied by forest educators. In addition, the participating schools will be provided with a wide variety of documents and educational materials in order to integrate the topics of environmental protection and nature conservation into theoretical lessons.

Cooperation with: 
WKO Upper Austria GUUTE Association
Chamber of Agriculture Upper Austria
Directorate of Education


// OCTOBER 2022 TO MAI 2023

Manageable solar energy for SMEs

Martin Dörsch (Media Design) 

With various videos and blog posts, the handling of portable solar panels in private and professional everyday life is to be made clear. The aim is to raise awareness that each individual can contribute to climate protection in a simple way.

Further Information can be found on the homepage of #besserwerden



Island of the Day Before

Julian Stadon

This Art & Science project aims to promote cyclical agriculture in the city of Linz by revitalising pre-industrial/urban ecosystems along the Danube. Specifically, two aquaponics systems will be developed, linked to a global network of similar projects via a TeleAgriCulture platform. Another goal of the project is to provide citizens with low-threshold and experimental access to the topic. Fermentation workshops are to be offered, in the course of which the products can be tasted at public dinner events. In addition, many other workshops on the topics of aquaponics, microbes and soil health as well as TeleAgriCulture will be offered in collaboration with the cooperation partners. At the end, a scientific publication will be created together with students.

Cooperation with: 
Alluvial Land Association
Coalesce Center for Biological Art, University of Buffalo 
KultArtHollaberer Association
and many more 


// AUGUST 2022 TO JUNE 2023

Climate Axis Linz 

Hannah Marlin Kordes 

In the course of this project, a concept for a climate-friendly redesign of the axis from Linz's Main Square via Lederergasse to the commercial harbour is to be developed. The impulses of the population and the surrounding associations, organisations and other actors will be captured. In the course of monthly walks, interested citizens will be invited to discover and rethink the public space together. During an open design and construction workshop, pop-up elements will be created and placed along the axis. The Municipality of Linz will install a pop-up cycle path and implement various greening measures. A converted bicycle trailer as a "harbour star" will serve as a meeting point for passers-by to network and exchange ideas. Furthermore, a feedback box will be set up along the axis, where wishes for the design of the axis can be submitted. At the end of the project, 20 measures for the redesign of the axis were identified. The project manager presented the concept to the decision-makers and discussed possible implementation steps.

Cooperation with:
various departments of the Municipality of Linz 
LINZ AG Hafen 
Alluvial Land Association
Times up Association
University of Arts Linz 
Architecture Forum Linz 
Salt Office Linz
Natural History Station Linz 

Further Information can be found in the Logbook



// JANUARY 2021 TO 2024

Climate Acre 

Julia Schobesberger, MSc. BSc. (Climate Alliance Upper Austria) and Dr.phil. Christoph Musik, MA Bakk.phil. (VegetableAckerdemie Austria)

In this project, pupils together with teachers and other supporters in five Linz schools plant a climate garden directly at their school under the supervision of Climate Alliance Upper Austria and VegetableAckerdemie Austria. The school gardens are tended independently by pupils and teachers, who receive comprehensive support from the project team in the form of training. For example, the schools receive a starter package with vegetable bags and educational materials. Herb beds are planted in planting workshops. In total, up to 30 vegetable and 30 herb species are planted or sown. In addition, a sweet tooth hedge and, if there is enough space, a multi-grafted apple tree are planted. The children are thus gradually trained to become "herb and vegetable ambassadors" so that they can pass on their knowledge in their family and private environment. Teachers also receive a planting workshop per year and several further training sessions on the topic of arable knowledge in order to establish the climate field as a long-term place of learning, comparable to the gym or workroom.


// MAY 2023 TO JANUARY 2024

"Klimaeck - more knowledge about the climate" - information platform and hub for climate protection / climate adaptation and sustainable living at the Wissensturm public library

Heike Merschitzka (City Library Linz) 

The project "Klimaeck" lets an existing publicly accessible library area in the Wissensturm develop into a place specifically dedicated to low-threshold information sharing, active exchange and the promotion of cooperation on the topics of climate protection and climate change adaptation as well as sustainable living. In the Klimaeck there will be space for about 8-10 people, which will allow workshops, discussion groups, actions, lectures and spontaneous exchange in a small format. Surrounded by current books and media on the topic, presentation possibilities for information material and small exhibitions in analog and digital form, a stimulating zone is to be created that brings together people interested in the topic. The service will be accessible to library visitors at all times and will also be disseminated via the information channels of the city of Linz and its cooperation partners.

Cooperation with: 
Climate Alliance Upper Austria
Various associations and private institutions



100 and 1 steps to a climate-friendly school

Margit Nader-Stütz, Edith Luger, Sigrun Kolar-Kniewasser, Kathrin Schaffer, Wilbirg Binder, Elena Wiesinger and Michaela Kaineder

The project team of the BG/BRG Körnergymnasium in Linz is planning a sustainable and climate-friendly greening of indoor and outdoor areas of the school building for learning and well-being. Specifically, the project will create a green classroom on the roof terrace of the school building. In addition, the pupils and teachers receive training and further education in climate-related areas with the help of experts. By imparting knowledge about climate-friendly plants and living environments, discussing, planning and building the roof garden together, as well as participating in excursions and courses, students are trained to become climate peers.

Cooperation with: 
Federal Real Estate Company BIG
Linz University of the Arts and HTL 1
Educational Institute for Elementary Education Linz
Climate Alliance Upper Austria
and many more



CLIMATE OASIS - Linz/ Lustenau 
Climate protection garden for soil and environmental awareness education

DI Christoph Wiesmayr (Alluvial Land Association - Creating, conveying and preserving living spaces)  

In the heart of Linz's industrial area, the Hollaberer estate is a relic from the former floodplain landscape. A climate protection garden is now to be realised on the western part of the estate and made accessible to visitors (guided bike tours and school classes). The garden is intended as an open classroom. A landscape furniture contains a soil learning path and is also the shelter for workshops. The workshops themselves focus on the role of soil in climate protection. The first Tiny Forest in Linz is also growing in the Climate Oasis. The miniature forest made of willow rods conveys the importance of near-natural places with a cool microclimate to ensure the quality of life in the city. As give-aways, visitors receive an environmental history booklet that tells about the special nature of this place.

Cooperation with: 
DI Peter Sommer (Engineering office for landscape planning and landscape architecture boden.art.e.U.) 
Richard Mahringer (Permaculture) 
Bernhard Gruber (clay oven construction) 
Sebastian Meyer (Collective LehmErleben)
Franz Wiesmayr (Hollabererhof Cultural Association) 
Harald Rechberger (Hamerling School) 
Norbert Rainer (Climate Alliance Upper Austria) 
Linz Tourism Association
Michaela Sommer (Upper Austrian Farmers' Union)
Susanne Rossmann (4YOUgend Association) 



Assessment tool for climate-friendly planning in Linz

Dr. Denis Havlik 

In order to predict the negative effects of the climate crisis on Europe's cities and identify appropriate countermeasures, new digital solutions and tools for climate experts and urban planners were developed in the course of the EU research project "CLARITY" under the leadership of the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT). The city of Linz was involved in this project as a focus region on the topic of heat stress. The KLIMALINZ project, which builds on this, is now intended to make this prototype applicable for use in urban climate planning for Linz. The KLIMALINZ tool is intended to support both experts in urban planning in their daily work and external partners in project submissions. This will make it possible to make well-founded statements about the expected urban climatological consequences as early as the official submission stage. In this way, the CLARITY models will be improved by supplementing the data sets used for this purpose with higher-quality data already available for Linz and existing expertise and measurements.

Cooperation with: 
Municipality of Linz, Department of Urban Climatology and Environment
AIT Center of Energy / Digital Resilient Cities 
ZAMG - Central Institute for Metrology and Geodynamics

For further Information visit the website of the Austrian Institute of Technology 



Climate Social Linz

Christina Plank (Institute for Development Research, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna) 

In the course of this project, the understanding of different civil society actors and population groups in Linz for the multiple climate crisis is to be strengthened. Specifically, the project builds on the book "Climate Social Policy: Shaping a Just and Emission-Free Society". With diverse artistic interventions, the knowledge base and options for action are to be made tangible for the general population and specifically for different social groups. The aim is to make clear which social groups are confronted by the consequences of climate change and to what extent. For example, people with low incomes are more affected by heat waves. Interactive workshops, lectures, idea competitions for artists and much more are used as methods of communication. For the ongoing evaluation and documentation of results, there is scientific monitoring using social science methods.

Cooperation with: 
University of Arts Linz, Dep. Mediatheory, Institute for Media
BRG Linz Hamerlingstraße
Volkshilfe Upper Austria
Attac Upper Austria

Further Information can be found on the website 


// SPRING 2020 TO SPRING 2021

Climate Day-Auhof: "Plant for the planet"

Peter Wolfsegger and Thomas Wolfsegger

The pupils of the Europagymnasium Auhof organised an internal school climate day with the aim of gathering basic knowledge about the climate crisis and finding possible solutions. The first part of this project was the implementation of interactive workshops on climate change with eight first classes and a total of 280 pupils. The second part of the project is the climate-friendly reforestation of a forest of about 1 ha near the school, which has been destroyed by weather and bark beetles. This reforestation project is being implemented under the professional guidance and supervision of the Chamber of Agriculture (Forestry Department - Dipl.-Ing. Michael Reh), the pupils of the HBLA St. Florian (as part of a forestry internship), several students of the PH-OÖ and the teachers and above all the pupils of the Europagymnasium Auhof. The reforested area is to be a place of learning and networking for the pupils as well as for experts from outside the school. The common goal is to make dealing with climate protection something that can be experienced and experienced.

Cooperation with:
Climate Team-Europagymnasium Auhof
Upper Austrian Chamber of Agriculture, Dipl.-Ing. Michael Reh
HBLA St. Florian, Ing. Lanerl Andreas with students of the 2-3 classes
PHOÖ, Mag. Dr. Ute Sandberger with students of primary education
Europagymnasium Auhof, Magdalena Himmelbauer


// OCTOBER 2021 TO MAY 2023

CLIMATE ZONE. Sensory Theatre at Theater Phönix 

Silke Dörner (Theater Phoenix

CLIMATE ZONE is a project to develop an innovative mediation concept in the sense of climate change and the necessity of a rapid rethinking process. In the course of the project, a sensory theatre with a thematic focus on the climate crisis is to be conceptualised that opens up new methods beyond language. Instead, the sensory areas of hearing, seeing, smelling, touching, balance and many more are to be activated and integrated. The play should show that climate change can be felt physically. The play will thus be an individual experience for each visitor. Especially for school classes, pre- and post-processing on the topic of "climate protection measures" is offered.

Cooperation with: 
Authors: Peter Androsch and Natalie Pichler 
University of Arts Linz, CoLab for Acoustics
Schools and youth organisations



Carbon Management in the Forests of the City of Linz - Baseline Study and Forest Inventory Survey

Ing. Günter Haderer (Municipality of Linz, Department of Gardening and Nursery) 

The urban forests and woodlands with their carbon management play an essential role as a natural greenhouse gas sink on the way to becoming a climate-neutral industrial city in 2040. How great the carbon sequestration potential of Linz's urban forests actually is needs to be scientifically investigated. To this end, a forest inventory is to be carried out in advance in cooperation with the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU), Institute of Silviculture, and an external company. Furthermore, it is to be clarified, among other things, what amount of carbon is currently sequestered in the urban forests and woodlands and can still be sequestered by 2040 with the current forest management. This will enable a sustainable and ecologically compatible forest management concept for the coming years to be drawn up and implemented on the basis of the baseline study.

Cooperation with: 
Natural History Station Linz
BOKU Vienna, Institute of Silviculture
Climate Office of the City Linz



"Linz on foot" 

Mag.a Petra Pongratz (dieziwi association: Unabhängiges LandesFreiwilligenzentrum) and Mag. Hermann Rainer (Climate Alliance Upper Austria) 

Walking is the most climate-friendly way of getting around. It is resource-saving, space-saving, low-noise, free, inclusive and possible for all social groups. It also keeps you healthy and promotes independent mobility for young and old. The project aims to increase the attractiveness of walking in the city of Linz in daily mobility (on the way to work, for shopping and errands, in leisure time, etc.) as a supplement to walking for recreational purposes. For this purpose, a comprehensive research for good practice models, a pedestrian check in several city districts and networking with people and organisations who are concerned about walking will be carried out. Based on these findings, a variety of measures and offers will be developed: the platform linzzufuss.at with a digital walking map, a wide variety of campaigns, event formats and volunteer initiatives for walking in Linz. Linz on Foot is based on participation. Engaged residents of Linz can participate in the entire project process.

Cooperation with: 
DI.in Anna Sonnleitner (Municipality of Linz , Dep. Environmental management) 
Maria Buchmayr, Johannes-Kepler-University Linz, Sustainability Unit


// MAY 2022 TO END 2023

Lock'N'Charge V3.0

Bernhard Schiesser

In this project, an offer is to be created that simplifies the switch from car trips to (transport) bike trips. Specifically, Lock'N'Charge systems are to be installed in the Linz city area as charging and secure locking facilities for (electrically powered) bicycles and cargo bikes. The project management will produce a prototype for this purpose, which will then be rolled out for series production by a Linz-based company.

Cooperation with: 
Urfahr West Association
Traffic Club Austria
Departments of the Municipality Linz
Association Linzer Lastenrad
Association for the promotion of climate-friendly passenger and freight mobility


// OCTOBER 2020 TO MAY 2021

Pilot project Kaisergasse - Phase 1
Holistic energy concept for the climate-friendly renovation of existing residential complexes

Reinhold Helwin Prohaska and Julia Wiesinger 

The Pilot project Kaisergasse Phase 1 is a project developed by committed citizens for the Climate City of Linz to sustainably improve existing residential complexes in terms of electricity generation, building air conditioning, electric mobility and urban climate. The aim of the project is to explore how holistic and climate-friendly energy concepts can be realised for majority-owned residential complexes in Linz. For example, the existing roof insulation in Kaisergasse was examined and a concept for the possible design of a photovoltaic system was developed. The possibilities of a green roof and a charging infrastructure for electric vehicles were also explored. Phase 1 culminates in a meeting of all owners to vote on the measures collected. In phase 2, the agreed implementations will be initiated. The pilot project aims to initiate the climate-friendly renovation of many other housing complexes in the Linz city area. The experience gained will therefore be disseminated to the public through various channels.

Cooperation with: 
Prof. Robert Höller (FH Wels) 
Martin Danner (Initiator of the PV Community in Gallneukirchen) 
DI Wilfried Hager (Municipality of Linz , Dep. Planning, technology and environment) 
Mag. Johannes Horak (Municipality of Linz , Dep. Planning, technology and environment

Further Information can be found on the Homepage


// OCTOBER 2021 TO JULY 2023

Pilot project Kaisergasse - Phase 2 & 3 
Accompaniment of new and continuing projects, as well as dissemination

After the successful completion of the evaluation project "Kaisergasse Pilot Project Phase 1", the insights gained were to be incorporated into concrete local implementation measures in phases 2 and 3, and follow-up or partner projects were to be supported in their implementation.

The following goals were defined:

  • Continue measures at Kaisergasse, such as roof insulation, roof greening, shading and further elaboration of the necessary framework conditions for the installation of PV systems.
  • Accompany various follow-up projects, such as the Climate Fund project "Leibnizhof - a workers' housing estate from 1939 becomes climafit." as a follow-up project from Phase 1
  • In cooperation with LINZ AG and KEBA, support the conception and construction of an innovative public charging infrastructure for the settlement area of Kaisergasse.
  • Promote public relations work by means of lectures and events in the settlement.
  • Develop an urban climatologically optimised utilisation concept for the green space in the inner courtyard and evaluate similar unused spaces in the settlement area in coordination with the climate fund project "urban ecology implementation programme"
  • Evaluate the legal framework created by the EAG and the WEG amendment together with local interest groups and citizens.

Cooperation with: 
City of Linz
AustriaTech - Society of the Federal Government for Technology Policy Measures GmbH
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH 
INTEGRAL Market and Opinion Research GmbH
Climate Fund project "Leibnizhof - a workers' housing estate from 1939 becomes "climate fit"
Scientists4Future Upper Austria

Further Information can be found on the Homepage of Energiewende Linz 


// SEPTEMBER 2023 TO JUNE 2024 

Beat electricity consumption  

Mag.a Ulrike Singer (Climate Alliance Upper Austria) 

In the project, pupils are given the opportunity to deal intensively with the topics of energy saving and energy efficiency. Workshops on the topics of fossil and renewable energies, climate protection, energy saving, etc., as well as school inspections will be carried out in a total of 10 schools. During the school inspections, the pupils and teachers will go on a guided search for energy consumers and possible savings potentials. In order to gain a better insight into the actual electricity consumption of various devices, the schools are provided with power bikes that can be used to generate the electricity that is consumed in everyday school life. An online training course for teaching staff is also planned, so that the content and documents can be integrated into lessons.

Cooperation with: 


// APRIL 2021 TO NOVEMBER 2023

Serious Games for Energy Transition 

Assoz. Uniprof.in DI.in Dr.in Ingrid Graz 

This project focuses on the playful teaching of technical and scientific skills to children between 6 - 14 years of age in order to promote their understanding of climate change and renewable energies as an instrument of climate protection. In addition, by dealing with the effects of climate change in cities, a reference to their own living environment is established, which strengthens the pupils' own possibilities for action. In the project, educators and scientists from the field of renewable energies work together to prepare the complex topic for primary and secondary school pupils. The aim of the project is in particular to provide adequate teaching materials and to integrate them into current teacher training. In addition to teaching materials on the topics of climate change, sustainable development, urban metabolism and renewable energies, the project uses the mathematics software "GeoGebra". The "Serious Game" itself will be based on a level design, with different modules covering the thematic framework and taking into account the needs of the respective target group. The pilot project will be tested together with partner schools, evaluated and revised in a further step.

Cooperation with: 
PH Upper Austria
School of Education JKU Linz 
JKU Open Lab
ARS Electronica Center
Partner schools


// MARCH 2021 TO DECEMBER 2022

Urban Ecological Implementation Programme for the Integration of Climate Adaptation, Biodiversity and Quality of Life in the Development of the Provincial Capital Linz

Univ.-Lektor Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Harald Kutzenberger (TBK Office for Ecology and Landscape Planning), Dr. Friedrich Schwarz (Municipality of Linz, Botanical Garden and Natural History Station) and Dipl.-Ing.in Daniela Hofinger (Hofinger Landscape Ecology and Environmental Planning) 

The central element of the project scheme is about 100 specific implementation projects throughout the Linz urban area. The existing basic data of the Linz urban biotope mapping after 30 years will be digitalised, updated and supplemented by the social aspects of quality of life and the urban ecological bases of life (soil, water and climate). Landscape development concepts are drawn up for each area under consideration and integrated measures for conservation, addition or renewal are worked out. The urban ecology implementation programme also sets important accents in awareness raising. A local Citizien Activity Group is to accompany the implementation in practice and raise public interest.

Cooperation with: 
various departments of the Municipality and companies of the city Linz 

Further Information can be found in the Mediaservice of the city Linz


// MAY 2023 TO NOVEMBER 2024

Urban Ecological Implementation Programme Linz - deepening measures on the surface to integrate climate adaptation, biodiversity and quality of life in the development of the provincial capital

Thomas Schiefecker, MSc (Botanical Garden and Natural History Station of the city Linz) 

In the course of the first Urban Ecological Implementation Programme of 2021 - 2022, a catalogue of measures was drawn up on how urban areas should be ecologically upgraded and maintained. Some areas have already been implemented. For example, small animal habitats and nesting aids were built, biotopes were created and various areas were vegetated. In the course of the project, it also became clear that a more in-depth networking of all involved agencies with municipal institutions is necessary in order to be able to implement further measures. Through the already established citizen participation, the continuous involvement of the interested public is to be strengthened. The aim of this project is to extend the measures from the previous project in cooperation with a planning office and to anchor a broad-based and low-threshold implementation of the urban ecological goals in Linz. In this way, on the one hand, city-owned and partly private open spaces can be upgraded, and on the other hand, the quality of life, diversity of life and livelihoods such as soil, water and climate can be promoted.

Cooperation with: 
various departments of the Municipality of Linz
GWG - Gemeinnützige Wohnungsgesellschaft of the city Linz
Nature Protection Association Linz
Initiative "Wiesennetz Univiertel"
Initiative "We are greening Linz!"



Temperature measurement locations in Linz

Dr. Mag. Johannes Horak (Urban Climatology and Environment, PTU) 

A well-developed temperature measurement network not only improves the urban climatological data basis and the meteorological forecasts for Linz, but can also serve as a basis for raising awareness among the population. In this project, the Department of Urban Climatology and Environment, together with an external company, plans to survey potential locations for meteorological measuring stations in the city area with a focus on the parameter temperature. From all possible locations, the 50 most suitable sites are to be equipped with a measuring station. Finally, the external company will summarise the results in a project report.

Cooperation with: 
Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics
Austrian Institute of Technology 
Weatherpark GmbH 


// APRIL 2022 TO NOVEMBER 2022

WeFair Goes to School 

Wolfgang Pfoser-Almer (WeFair - Association for the promotion of a fair and ecological lifestyle) 

As the organiser and initiator of Austria's largest fair for sustainable and fair consumption, the WeFair association would also like to offer a programme for schools in the course of the project. Upper-secondary schools in Linz will have the opportunity to book free workshops offered by the supporting organisations Südwind, Klimabündnis and Global 2000. The workshops will take place in the form of a project week on the topics of sustainable consumption, global inequalities, recycling and climate change. The aim of the workshops is to raise awareness among the students for climate protection and sustainability, but also for the complexity of the subject and the possibilities for action of each individual. When participating in the project week, the students receive a free ticket for the WeFair fair, where a programme especially designed for schools takes place.

Cooperation with: 
Climate Alliance
Global 2000
Upper Austria Directorate of Education
Design Center  


// APRIL 2023 TO NOVEMBER 2023

WeFair / Repair - Turn old into new!

Wolfgang Pfoser-Almer (WeFair - Association for the promotion of a fair and ecological lifestyle) 

As the organizer and initiator of the largest Austrian fair for sustainable and fair consumption, the association WeFair would like to organize a large REPAIR Festival in the course of the project in 2023. Lectures, keynotes and discussions will highlight various aspects of the topic of repair and raise awareness. Various exhibitors dealing with the topic of repair will be specifically recruited for the fair. There will also be a Repair Zone, where broken items can be repaired under supervision. To make the importance of the topic accessible to all age groups, Linz schools will be given the opportunity to book free workshops in the week before the WeFair fair. The goal of the project is to give people incentives as well as to sensitize them not to replace broken objects in the first step, but to test out the possibilities of repair.

Cooperation with: 
Südwind, Climate Alliance, GLOBAL 2000
Volkshilfe Upper Austria
and many more


// MARCH 2023 TO OCTOBER 2023

Wiesennetz Univiertel - Scything in the city of Linz

Mag.a Hedda Malicky 

With this project, the initiative Wiesennetz Univiertel would like to gradually convert the public areas of the city of Linz to extensive mowing. With the involvement of interested citizens, awareness can be raised with regard to biodiversity and species protection as well as climate-friendly behavioral change. By means of regular meetings in small groups, participants learn about scything as a sustainable option for land use. In addition, the maintenance of near-natural meadows leads to a real enhancement of the areas in terms of biodiversity and climate protection.

Cooperation with: 
Various departments of the Municipality Linz
Architecture forum afo
Various cooperation partners:inside for the meadow areas



WIST House "Barbara" - New paths for a climate-neutral city

Michael Cetinkan (WIST OÖ) 

The WIST House "Barbara" becomes a lighthouse project by actively contributing to climate protection, energy cost reduction and an attractive feel-good climate. At the beginning of the project, two information events are planned with the residents, at which the managing director of WIST Upper Austria and an expert from LINZ ENERGIESERVICE GMBH will participate and present the project. The aim is to raise the awareness of the residents with regard to climate protection, but also to give them the opportunity to get involved and participate in the decision-making process. In addition to the information events, there will be two workshops and an open day for all interested parties. The entire awareness-raising process will be accompanied on various social media channels. The climate-friendly construction measures are, for example, the planning of a PV facade, its storage solution, a thermal insulation, the planning of an e-charging infrastructure and many more. The municipal climate fund finances part of the costs of this project, such as awareness raising and parts of the construction measures.

Cooperation with: 



Future Leibnizhof - A workers' housing estate from 1939 becomes climatefit

Katharina Kloibhofer MA and Dipl.-Ing. Christoph March 

A small group of committed owners of the „Leibnizhof“ property, a workers' housing building built in 1939 in the Kaplanhof district, would like to actively promote modernisation with regard to energy and climate targets. Due to the age of the building fabric, there is a high need for renovation and modernisation. The following goals have been set:

  • Professional survey of the current technical condition of the plant, as well as identification of necessary refurbishment steps and evaluation of those with high demands on sustainability and innovation content
  • Development of measures to increase the resilience of the complex against extreme weather events
  • Preparation of a feasibility concept for the individual measures elaborated, incl. evaluation of favourable implementation scenarios
  • Education and awareness-raising among residents as well as first steps towards consensus-building and the subsequent development of possible communication and information strategies.
  • Evaluation of possible energy-saving measures and measures to promote energy-saving behaviour among residents
  • Raising awareness for the qualities of workers' settlements
  • Incorporate methods of professional public relations including tools such as surveys/online polls, homepage and newsletter.

Cooperation with: 
Pilot project Kaisergasse - Helwin Prohaska from the Association Energiewende Linz



// JUNE 2023 TO MAY 2024

Climate Neutral Baking 

Franz Rudolf Fenzl 

With the "Climate Neutral Baking" project, the Fenzl bakery wants to develop a holistic concept for a climate-neutral bakery operation, especially with regard to production processes. Specifically, a package of measures consisting of energy efficiency measures in production and one for zero-emission delivery logistics are to be developed. Employees are also to be integrated into the development and implementation of the climate-related measures. The project is intended to serve as a role model for other commercial sectors in Linz in order to pursue a climate-neutral path. In the course of the project, a "blueprint" for a climate-neutral production process for other bakeries in Linz will be developed and made available.

Cooperation with: 
Krawinkler Solutions e.U. (KSOL) 
Energie Ingenieure Consulting GmbH (EIC) 


// JUNI 2023 BIS NOVEMBER 2024 

Klimaschutz gegen Energiearmut 

Mag.a Jasmine Chansri, MBA (Volkshilfe OÖ) 

Der Klimawandel bringt massive soziale Folgen mit sich. So sind beispielsweise vulnerable Gruppen stärker betroffen und haben wenig Möglichkeiten, sich vor den Folgen des Klimawandels zu schützen. Konkret geben Haushalte, die von Energiearmut betroffen sind, mehr für Energie aus, als der durchschnittliche Haushalt in Österreich. Gründe dafür sind der oftmals schlechte Zustand der Wohngebäude, steigende Energiekosten, ineffiziente Verhaltensweisen und veraltete, energieintensive Haushaltsgeräte. Neben finanzieller Entlastung haben diese Haushalte oft auch Bedarf an niederschwelliger und leicht zugänglicher Informationen über mögliche Energiesparmaßnahmen. Ziel des Projektes ist es daher, 30 von Energiearmut betroffene Haushalte mittels sozialer Energieberatung durch eine:n Sozialberater:in über ein Jahr hinweg zur Ermächtigung zu begleiten. Den Haushalten wird konkrete effektive Hilfestellung wie Gerätetausch von ineffizienten, alten Geräten in energiesparende, neue Geräte sowie die Unterstützung beim Verstehen der Energierechnungen angeboten. Damit profitieren die Haushalte nicht nur finanziell, sondern auch in sozialer und gesundheitlicher Hinsicht. Die Aufklärung zum richtigen Lüften und Heizen mildert die gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigung am Wohnort. Ein Jahr nach der Beratung soll evaluiert werden, ob die Haushalte die Einspartipps gut umsetzen konnten.

Kooperation mit: 

Weitere Informationen findest du auf der Webseite der Volkshilfe.


// MAY 2023 TO DECEMBER 2023

H2 Convention - Development of the Hydrogen Economy for Climate Neutral Industry in the Greater Linz Area

Edward Strasser (Innovation in Politics Institute) 

The COpollution from energy-intensive industrial production poses major challenges, especially to large cities like Linz. The use of fossil fuels (e.g. coal or petroleum) contributes significantly to the release of greenhouse gases that accelerate climate change. However, industry in the Linz metropolitan area plays a key role in securing jobs and ensuring the prosperity of the entire population. Thus, new solutions must be developed quickly to guide the transition to an ecologically sustainable approach in various industrial sectors. In order to achieve the climate targets, the industry in Linz relies on the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier. Green hydrogen production or the import of green hydrogen from renewable energy sources represents a climate-friendly solution. The H2 Convention is intended to provide a platform for international multidisciplinary exchange between a wide range of decision-makers with regard to the use of hydrogen. For this purpose, a 2-day event is to be organized in the fall of 2023, which will promote the community building of the hydrogen economy in the greater Linz area, but also give citizens the opportunity to inform themselves about the developments and to get to know various projects.

Cooperation with: 
Province of Upper Austria
City of Linz
Association of Upper Austrian Industry
Div. energy companies and large consumers of hydrogen


// SUMMER 2022 TO SPRING 2023

Bicycle Strategy Linz 

Roman Minke (Municipality of Linz, 
Dep. PTU, Mobility planning) 

The city of Linz is embarking on the path to becoming a cycling city with its cycling strategy. In the course of this project, a concept for the promotion of cycling in Linz is to be developed by an external company. On the one hand, target values such as modal split, air quality, noise, energy balance, etc. are to be defined, but on the other hand, necessary measures and fields of action are to be identified, such as bicycle infrastructure, bicycle parking, awareness raising, multimodal approaches, living bicycle culture in politics and administration. The strategy should lead to concrete key projects for the next three years. Since the beginning of the project, several cycling forums have taken place to which representatives of the Linz city administration, the province of Upper Austria, as well as the cycling lobby, the ÖAMTC and ARBÖ were invited for joint discussions. The publication of the concept is planned for autumn 2023.

Cooperation with: 
Land OÖ 
Various climate fund projects

Further Information can be found in the Mediaservice of the city Linz

11 und 13

// JUNE 2023 TO DECEMBER 2023 


Roman Minke (Municipality of Linz, Dep. PTU, Mobility planning)

Being rewarded for daily cycling is the motto of the digital Bike Benefit Linz campaign. The bonus programme for cycling has been available in Linz since June until 30 November 2023. For every bike ride recorded in the Bike Citizens app, participants receive bonus points that can be redeemed at selected partner businesses throughout the city. More than 20 partner businesses from all over Linz provide numerous benefits. The mobility planning department also benefits from the anonymised data of the cyclists in future planning projects. The aim of the project is to create an offer that motivates people to switch to cycling.

Cooperation with: 
bike citizens by Smettly GmbH 


11 und 13

// MAI 2023 BIS DEZEMBER 2023


Stefanie Rödhamer, BSc. (Flüchtlings- und Migrant:innenbetreuung GmbH)

Das Projektvorhaben „Klimaguides“ zielt darauf ab, die Selbstwirksamkeit hinsichtlich Energie- und Klimasensibilisierung von geflüchteten Menschen in betreuten Wohnprojekten zu stärken. Dabei werden wichtige Aspekte, wie finanzielle Entlastungen durch Energiesparen, mögliche zukunftsträchtige berufliche Möglichkeiten und die Mitwirkung und Mitbestimmung in Bezug auf Klimaschutz aufgegriffen. Fünf Mitarbeiter*innen, die im Zuge dieses Projektes zu Klima-Coaches ausgebildet werden, vermitteln diese Inhalte in Form von interaktiven und niederschwelligen Workshops.

Kooperation mit:
Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement der Volkshilfe OÖ
Klima Puzzle
Wohnen im Dialog der Volkshilfe - Flüchtlings- und Migrant:innenbetreuung GmbH 



Natur findet Sta(d)t(t)

Mag.a Maria Zamut (Grünschnabel - Verein zur Förderung von Lebensqualität)

Beim Projektvorhaben „‘Natur findet Sta(d)t(t)‘ – Natur Workshops für Kinder in Schulen und Horten“ sollen Kinder im Volksschulalter die Natur gemeinsam entdecken und ein Bewusstsein für den Schutz von Lebensräumen bekommen. Dafür sollen vier zertifizierte Naturvermittlerinnen mit den Kindern mitten in der Natur, aber auch im Klassenraum interaktive und spannende Workshops durchführen. So werden beispielsweise rund um den Schulhof Tier- und Pflanzenexponate gesammelt und gemeinsam bestimmt, sowie Kleintierhabitate in Wäldern angelegt.

Weitere Informationen findest du auf der Webseite des Vereins



Balkonkraftwerke - ein Beitrag auf dem Weg in die Klimaneutralität

Markus Holzgreve (Magistrat Linz, Abt. Stadtplanung)

Beim Projektvorhaben „Balkonkraftwerke – ein Beitrag auf dem Weg in die Klimaneutralität“ soll über ein externes Unternehmen ein Leitfaden zur Bereitstellung von Informationen rund um das Thema Balkonkraftwerke mit dem Schwerpunkt Ortsbild erarbeitet werden. Der Leitfaden soll in Folge in Form einer Broschüre veröffentlicht und den Wohnbaugenossenschaften, Mieter*innen und Eigentümer*innen zu Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Broschüre soll einerseits als Inspiration und andererseits als eine Steuerungswirkung in der Stadt dienen.




Klimagerechte Stadt Linz - Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit mit Weltsicht

Lisa Aigelsperger (Südwind OÖ)

Das Projektvorhaben „Klimagerechte Stadt Linz – Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit mit Weltsicht“ möchte mit bestehenden und zwei neu zu konzipierenden Workshops Schüler*innen der Primarstufe sowie auch Jugendliche für die Themenkreise Klima, Stadt, Alltag, Konsum und Lebensstil sensibilisieren und gemeinsam Handlungsoptionen für eine klimagerechte Stadt Linz erarbeiten. Somit wird es den Teilnehmenden ermöglicht sowohl ihre persönliche Lebensweise und ihren Konsum als auch gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen im Sinne von Klimagerechtigkeit zu reflektieren. Parallel soll die Ausstellung „Globale Perspektiven für Klimagerechtigkeit“ öffentlich in Kooperation mit dem Klimafondsprojekt „Klimaeck“ im Wissensturm zugänglich gemacht und Führungen angeboten werden. Im Zuge des Projektes sollen über 1.000 Menschen aus unterschiedlichen Altersgruppen in Linz erreicht werden.

Kooperation mit:
VHS Wissensturm
Klimasoziales Linz
Pädagogische Hochschule OÖ
Time's Up uvm.

Weitere Informationen findest du auf der Webseite von Südwind



Klimaachse Linz - Phase 2

Hannah Marlin Kordes und Peter Arlt

Beim Projektvorhaben „Klimaachse - Phase 2“ sollen anhand der in Phase 1 entwickelten Umsetzungsagenda konkrete Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Lederergasse zwischen der Innenstadt und dem Hafen entwickelt werden. Dafür sind verschiedene Expert*innenworkshops zur Umgestaltung der Hauptproblemstellen, Hands-On Workshops mit Bürger*innen zur Errichtung von Wildtierhabitaten und insektenfreundlicher Sensenmahd als auch verschiedene Klimastationen in Form eines Lehrpfades entlang der Klimaachse geplant. Die Klimastationen sind multifunktionale Stadtmöbel zum Rasten, Lernen, Informieren und Austauschen. Ein Klimalehrpfad verweist auf Möglichkeiten zur Einsparung von Emissionen und informiert über die Klimaanpassungsstrategien der Stadt Linz. Zum Abschluss ist ein Klimaachsenfest gemeinsam mit den involvierten Initiativen und Vereinen, aber auch engagierten Bürger*innen geplant, um die bisherigen und zukünftigen Verbesserung zu feiern.

Kooperation mit:
verschiedene Abteilungen des Magistrat Linz
Kunstuniversität Linz
Architekturforum uvw.

Weitere Informationen findest du im Logbuch


// MÄRZ 2024 BIS MAI 2025

Wasserstoffwelt sichtbar gemacht

Judith Mairhofer (WIVA P&G)

Das Projektvorhaben „Wasserstoffwelt sichtbar machen“ möchte bestehende Wasserstofftechnologien, die gesamte Wertschöpfungsketten sowie den Einsatz und die Speicherung von Wasserstoff in einem interaktiven Modell partizipativ mit Schüler*innen des Linzer Technikums, Lehrlingen und Expert*innen der Linz AG thematisieren und Projektergebnisse der Linzer Öffentlichkeit im AEC zugänglich machen. Im Bereich der Anwendung werden die lokale Energieversorgung und Industrie sowie schwer zu dekarbonisierende Mobilitätsanwendungen betrachtet.

Kooperation mit:
Linzer Technikum - HTL-Paul-Hahn-Straße
Robert Bosch AH


// 2024

H2 Convention - Entwicklung der Wasserstoff-Wirtschaft für die klimaneutrale Industrie im Großraum Linz

Edward Strasser (The Innovation in Politics Institute GmbH)

Das Projektvorhaben „H2 Convention – Entwicklung der Wasserstoff-Wirtschaft für die klimaneutrale Industrie im Großraum Linz“ soll 2024 zum zweiten Mal stattfinden und ein zweitägiges Großevent für Bürger*innen, Wirtschaft, Industrie und Politik sein und grünen Wasserstoff als essenziellen Teil einer klimaneutralen Industrie thematisieren. Nach erfolgreicher Erstdurchführung im vergangenen Jahr soll sich die H2 Convention mit diesem Jahr als regelmäßiges jährliches Event herausbilden und den Austausch und Diskurs zu grünem Wasserstoff fördern.

Kooperation mit:
Land OÖ
Stadt Linz



Ausarbeitung eines Hitzenotfallplans für die Stadt Linz

Nora Niemetz-Wahl (Magistrat Linz, Abt. Planung, Technik und Umwelt)

Das Projektvorhaben zur „Ausarbeitung eines Hitzenotfallplans für die Stadt Linz“ behandelt das vermehrte Vorkommen von Hitzewellen aufgrund des menschenverursachten Klimawandels und die damit verbundenen Risiken für den menschlichen Organismus. Ein Hitzenotfallplan enthält daher Maßnahmen, um die Bevölkerung der Stadt Linz bestmöglich zu schützen. Durch niederschwellige Kommunikation, breites Schulungsangebot und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit sollen die Inhalte des Hitzenotfallplanes möglichst alle Betroffenen und vulnerable Gruppen erreichen.


// 2024


Julia Neubauer

Das Projektvorhaben „GesprächsKlimaGespräch“ setzt mittels professioneller Moderation von Talkrunden mit Künstler*innen, Journalist*innen, Pflegenden, Lehrenden, Nachhaltigkeitsmanager*innen etc. auf eine innovative Form der Klimakommunikation mit dem Ziel Herausforderungen, Gemeinsamkeiten und Lösungswege und insbesondere dazugehörige Emotionen zum Thema an die breite Bevölkerung in Linz zu bringen. Die Thematik des Klimawandels und die dafür notwendige Transformation soll aus der Perspektive von allen möglichen Branchen betrachtet werden und die Veranstaltungen sollen an öffentlichen Orten stattfinden und auch per Stream online kostenlos zugänglich sein. Besonders Frauen sollen bei der Auswahl der Podiumsdiskutant*innen angesprochen und eine Bühne geboten werden.

Weitere Informationen findest du auf der Webseite