// Impulse and networking

Linz connects
IT & Economy 

Our networking format for the Linz economy and IT sector: we invite C-level management from Linz companies to discuss current IT topics. Each time there is professional input from two experts and then relaxed discussions, each time in a different exciting location in Linz - completely open, while maintaining confidentiality. A community that wants to make a difference and exchange ideas about current topics, trends and problems and network again and again.

Information on the Linz connects events (topic, location, time) will be provided promptly by personal invitation!

If you have any questions or are interested in participating, please send an e-mail to innovation@mag.linz.at.

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The Linz connects dates 2024:

14 March 2024 // 19 June 2024 // 16 October 2024

The details of the events will be communicated promptly via personal invitation.

These were the themes and locations of Linz connects 2022/2023:

Linz connects IT & Economy #7 at PRIMETALS

AI in the Industrial Sector

Professor Alois Ferscha (JKU) and Kurt Herzog (Primetals Technologies) provided insights into AI in the industrial sector through their keynotes—one focusing on the current state of research and the other on practical applications in the steel industry.

To the Recap with pictures>>


Linz connects IT & Economy #6 at SIEMENS

Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality

At the Techbase Linz at the Siemens site, we immersed ourselves in the world of VR and AR. Andreas Fraunberger, Junge Römer Vienna, showed examples of the use of the technology in marketing and recruiting. Andreas Pürstinger, Siemens Industry Software, explained the advantages of the technology in the industrial sector. 

To the follow-up report with pictures>>

linz connects 23 melanieprach 9893

Linz connects IT & Economy #5 at KARRIERE.AT

Marketing & Data

The 5th Linz connects took us to karriere.at in the winter harbour. Gerhard Kürner, CEO & Founder 506 Data & Performance GmbH and Kirsten Neubauer, GF sgreening - Social & Green Marketing GmbH provided expert input on the topic of marketing & data and how it can be used sustainably with the help of AI. 

To the LinkedIn Post>>


Linz connects IT & Economy #4 at CODERS.BAY

IT specialists

IT specialists are trained all year round at CODERS.BAY in Tabakfabrik Linz. Manuela Lindlbauer, Managing Director of Lindlpower Personalmanagement GmbH, and Marion Urbanides, Head of CODERS.BAY, spoke about the challenges of recruiting at Linz connects in May 2023.

To the LinkedIn Post>>

Linz Connects Mai 2023 20230525 305


Artificial Intelligence

The LIT Open Innovation Centre on the JKU campus was our location for the 3rd Linz connects IT & Economy. Expert input on the topic of AI came from JKU Professor Günter Klambauer and Kosima Kovar, CEO and co-founder of the Ada Growth app.

To the LinkedIn Post>>

Linz connects AI Kosima Kovar

Linz connects IT & Economy #2 at DYNATRACE

New Work

In January 2023 we were guests at Dynatrace. Architect Gerhard Abel from Planet Architects gave us a tour of the company building and showed us how the corporate culture was implemented architecturally at the headquarters. Patrick Rammerstorfer, Pro Active, provided input on the topic of New Work.

To the pictures on Instagram>>

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Linz connects IT & Economy #1 in HÖRSAAL 0, TABAKFABRIK

IT Security

Launch of the networking format in November 2022 in Lecture Hall 0 of Tabakfabrik with Helmut Leopold, Head of Center for Digital Safety & Security AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH and Harald Radi, Managing Director Cloudflight.

To the follow-up report with pictures>>

LinzConnects 09.11.22 cStadt Linz Sturm 43